• Welcome

    Welcome to the SWAT Army Of Club Penguin! We are one of the largest and strongest armies of Club Penguin. Our goal is not only to protect all of Club Penguin from evil, but to be the best and most fun army around. If you would like to join, go to our our Discord to chat with other fellow SWAT Agents. We hope you enjoy your stay with us!

    ~S.W.A.T Commanders

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[US] Training on Yukon

loading…. 100% mission loaded

Hey SWAT. Today we held a training session on Yukon to prepare for future battles! I’ve noticed a HUGE improvement today, too. Tactics were on point almost every single time, and formations were clean. Our game has definitely improved and we will become one of the best major armies out there. Fear us.

For this training event we maxed 65+

Definitely an improvement here. Good job all SWAT, we are so proud.


~Sweater – SWAT Commander