• Welcome

    Welcome to the SWAT Army Of Club Penguin! We are one of the largest and strongest armies of Club Penguin. Our goal is not only to protect all of Club Penguin from evil, but to be the best and most fun army around. If you would like to join, go to our our Discord to chat with other fellow SWAT Agents. We hope you enjoy your stay with us!

    ~S.W.A.T Commanders

  • Archives

[Training] 4-28-2020

Training Event on April 28th 

max: 41 average: 40

After the war server battles that happened this past Sunday we were looking forward to a training where we could practice our tactics, room changes, and formations! We keep showing that we can have strong and consistent numbers and that we have big things in store for SWAT. We have been growing and recruiting like crazy and it can be seen in our higher numbers and loyal members attending our events.