• Welcome

    Welcome to the SWAT Army Of Club Penguin! We are one of the largest and strongest armies of Club Penguin. Our goal is not only to protect all of Club Penguin from evil, but to be the best and most fun army around. If you would like to join, go to our our Discord to chat with other fellow SWAT Agents. We hope you enjoy your stay with us!

    ~S.W.A.T Commanders

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[Training] 4-30-2020

Training Event April 30th 

max: 50 average: 47

We have been training hard lately to perfect our tactics, formations, and all together cohesiveness as an army and today was no different. We maxed 50 today which was exciting and our tactics are getting cleaner and more precise. As someone who has been in SWAT since the very first event I am so proud of all the outstanding efforts made by all our members ranging from agents to commanders. You can see how far we have come as an army and I am so proud of us and I can not wait to see what the future brings us. SWAT FOREVER, this is my family.